What is Radiant Energy

What is radiant energy? Many people would define it as an energy coming from the sun. Well, I think there is more into it now because we ha...

What is radiant energy? Many people would define it as an energy coming from the sun. Well, I think there is more into it now because we have been hearing that it could generate free electricity from the sky. Is there such thing as free energy? I do not think so. But let us learn some more facts about what a radiant energy system is all about.

Radiant energy is not merely electromagnetic waves, or energy comes from the sky. According to experts on free energy technology, radiant energy also exists in electronic circuits, it is produced during resonance at high frequencies.

Graph Radiant energy is generated in electronic circuits through high frequency stimulation and resonance:

What is Radiant Energy
Graph of the process of electric segmentation in an electronic circuit to generate radiant energy

Below, I will present and define radiant energy in different aspects so that we can better understand radiant energy:
  • The three academic sects of science talk about radiant energy
  • Discover Radiant Energy with lectures from electrical expert Master Ivo

The three academic sects of science talk about radiant energy

There are at least 3 sects in science, that is

  • Mainstream science
  • Science seeks truth
  • Fake science

Orthodox science holds that radiant energy is energy calculated in terms of electromagnetic waves, and even includes the energy of light particles, ie Photons.

Truth-seeking science is a science created by geniuses working for the elite, Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Walter Russell, etc. on the basis of other mathematical geniuses. . But then, the geniuses working for the elite will not appear in the textbooks or university textbooks.

Science is searching for the truth: Radiant energy is a combination of the dielectric in Ether and the magnetism in Ether. To have so-called electrical energy, there must be two elements in the Ether, dielectric and magnetic. Radiant energy is generated from stimulation of one of the two factors, to create greater energy - Overunity - this is radiant energy. The process of stimulating Ether at high frequencies produces more energy (higher voltages and currents), because Ether is universal, filling the universe, and is elastic, thus The excitation coupled with the high frequency resonance will produce abrupt pressure reconciliation. The quantities of voltage and current will then increase indefinitely because time gradually reaches zero - because the electric segmentation is at high frequency, resulting in extremely small time. Note: voltage is magnetic divided by time, and current is dielectric divided by time.

Fake science also talked about radiant energy, but mainly falsified Tesla's Ether field theory. Many scientists who are followers of the quantum sect also define radiant energy in a quantum way. Quantum physics is just speculation for reference, not practical. Many unknown expensive experiments with illogical logic were created to hide the truth about Ether.

Links to help you learn about the Ether field theory of science for truth and free energy:

Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism: Exploring the nature of Magnetism, with regards to the true model of atomic geometry and field mechanics by means of rational physics & logic - by Ken Wheeler

Books with video: Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism

For the full definition of radiant energy see the following article: Radiant Energy Definition

Related: Free Energy and Anti-Gravity by Using "Electricity" by William Lyne and Ken Wheeler

Discover Radiant Energy with lectures from electrical expert Master Ivo

Master Ivo is an expert in radiant energy. His lecture videos are easy to understand even for someone who does not have much knowledge of electricity. Here are 3 videos of Master Ivo defining radiant energy

Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy Part 1, 2, 3:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Lectures mention hidden technology along with Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project Haarp and Beyond. However, in terms of Free Energy from Tesla's early version of Radiant Energy is very broad. Every engineer who understands Tesla's technology can build his own unique generator.

Hence, I will introduce two methods of generating radiant energy generators:

  1. Basic form of Tesla: How to Build Tesla's Radiant Energy Receiver
  2. Replica, Tesla's Resonance Form - by Moray:

Free energy - Radiant energy - by Moray and Tesla

 1. Atomic structures like quantum physics as mentioned today are inaccurate. Thirteen matter is essentially bipolar Ether, each pole being an eddy current of Ether at speeds higher than the speed of light. So what we call the atom is in fact a special method of Ether (this special method is the dielectric): the condenser dielectric. Because light is a longitudinal disturbance of the dielectric on a coaxial circuit, it can be said:

“All matter is crystalline, all matter is frozen light.” ~ Walter Russell

2. Ether is elastic, giving rise to the so-called speed of light, which is actually the induction ratio to the main substance of the universe, the Ether. Hence it can be said: “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.”

3. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to extract energy from the Ether elastic. And here is the application of the theory:

Watch The Full Video Presentation
The story behind the discovery of this device is amazing

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