Series MOSFET And Tesla Oscillator

Electrical Experimenter Electrical Oscillators - by Tesla In 1919, Nikola Tesla invented a system of circuits that generate variable voltage...

Electrical Experimenter Electrical Oscillators - by Tesla

In 1919, Nikola Tesla invented a system of circuits that generate variable voltages, called electric oscillator circuits. In which Tesla used the previous invention "Tesla Coil" invented in 1891. There are also many new things, showing that Tesla is a genius. Because some electronic circuits today use the principle that Tesla mentioned in his work "Electrical Experimenter Electrical Oscillators" (Tesla Oscillator). Typically alarm relays, automatic circuit breakers when needed in today's electronic devices.

Electrical Experimenter Electrical Oscillators

As it turns out, the one on Wikipedia and many other mainstream documents used the image in "Electrical Oscillators" to illustrate the Tesla coil example. However, they do not mention this work.

Invention Highlights:
  • Generate high voltage with high frequency.
  • The frequency of the voltage can be adjusted thanks to the spark gap and the number of turns of the coil in the system.
  • It is possible to generate variable voltage with high frequency from the battery. That is to generate high voltage with high frequency from a constant DC power supply. This is similar to today's inverters.
  • In addition to using a spark gap, Tesla also used a Rotary Relay combined with a spark gap, or Magnetic Relay like today's reed switches.
  • In particular, this theory of Tesla's invention can only be satisfactorily explained by Ether field physics. While mainstream science is censoring Ether. So many Tesla patents do not use the word Ether to explain.
  • Free energy is also censored. Therefore, many of Tesla's inventions do not refer to free energy. Because, otherwise, the patent will not be approved.
Note: Use a Magnetic Relay to create a constant DC voltage oscillating circuit. This has been simplified by electrical engineer Master IVO as shown below

Simple drawn magnetic relay for electric oscillator circuit
Simple drawn magnetic relay for electric oscillator circuit

To replace the spark gap and fine-tune the voltage with high frequency, with the aim of resonating to generate Free Energy, Master Ivo and many other developers used MOSFET transistors to receive square frequency pulse high number. From there the control is suitable for resonance and extraction of Back EMF to algae a Free Energy. This will further develop Tesla's pulse technology.

Series MOSFET for Electrical Oscillators -  Free Energy

Watch all Videos about Series MOSFET and Tesla oscillator:

You can see that Master Ivo compared the use of a MOSFET as an alternative to the spark gap and the magnetic extinguishing rotary switch of Tesla. However, the use of MOSFETs and diodes to develop pulse technology is only a small branch of the invention.

And here is the video tutorial, practical application to generate Radiant Energy from electronic circuit:

Basically, he uses a Bifilar coil, a capacitor, to generate a sinusoidal voltage from a square control pulse (high frequency). Then let them resonate in the electronic circuit. With the MOSFET as an indispensable component, it is the control gate for pulse technology.

Another resonance method to generate free energy

Practical guide
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.

      Radiant energies can also come from the sky, even at night, but they are not the pulsating technology for which Tesla developed the flying saucer technology. Here is an example: How to Build Tesla's Radiant Energy Receiver


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